Monday, December 17, 2007

week 10 post 23

i am so thankful of "NO CHILD IS LEFT BEHIND". felt pressure but got tremendous support and encouragement. i have had a crazy work schedule since the last week of october due to personal life. have to confess just zoomed zoomed to the finish line. the good thing is there are quite a few interesting things. new year resolution for me would be go back to explore the 23 and to read as many blogs as possible. Hooray for me

week 9 post 22

attempting to do this assignment. looking at hcpl's digital site. didnot find any title in the language i was interested in (it was listed though). checked out 2 items; sense and sensibilty and travel talk. then tried librivox. found sense and sensibility 1st trial. searching catalogue i found one title in chinese but none in the language i was interested in, but hey i haven't looked thru 11 hundred titles yet. will see

Saturday, December 15, 2007

week 9 post 21

not impressed with or yahoopodcasts. for a novice like me the choice is overwhelming, very wide to browse. have to come back to finish this post...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week 9 post 20

i have heard of U tube for some time and received some in my email. thanks to the assignment i got exploring it today. i shared a couple of funny movies with co-workers and we had a good laugh. still we have to be careful "comedy" could be anything ....?
i also like the howto; cooking videos are good for quick reference; great help for college kids. need time to explore more. will be back

Friday, December 7, 2007

week 8 post 19 - lnzoho

I want to finish this assignment today so i could have more blings next Wednesday. Clara has been so kind and so patient with me. She even makes sure that i sat down and worked. I missed quite a few assignments. I was on vacation for 3 weeks and then have been working just half a day. I felt overwhelmed... and lost my enthusiasm: more than 300 emails in inbox (and 90% has s/t to do with blogs...)  Oh it's so hard to pick up where you left but i know i would finish the 23 things , finish them before the deadline... boo hoo

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

week 8 post 18 - social networking

didn't like; guessed was not interested in writing about my black lab. has lots of cool illustrations, fun to look at, but didnot want to buy any CD. guessing would check back now and then to see if s/o i know post a piece of music. 3rd time is a charm. linkedin. registered to try to find long lost friend from a college oversea. hoping get one or 2

week 7 post 17 - technology

perhaps, it's good to find someone who shares your interest and learn from each other. but hoping that the world won't be consumed with Still one should be able to balance talking with a real person and a cyber space friend.

week 7 post 16 - wikki

my first impression (can't say much, just impression as i've not thoroughly explored wikki): it's not good that other information can be added to your findings without verification. posted dream vaccation on ihcpl sandbox; hoping nobody add anything "funny" into it

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

week 5 post 12

The "Library" Elf is not hard at all. All it took was 5 minutes and one question to verify with co-worker that "that was all". Hope week 6 will be easy too. This service will defenitely benefit customers and staff as well. No more comments like "but we didnot receive any email"; and no more "we're very sorry; we will inform our network service dept." Thanks

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 5 Post 11: Library Thing
Was glad to be able to do this blog with little help. Did not feel "lost in wonderland" any more. Ultimate goal will be to make all these skills work for you.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

week 4 post 9

i add widget but not able to see it yet... still looading... it's a busy time...hcpl staff are blogging away... slowly... but i'll get there as soon as i'm caught on with the whirlwind

Monday, October 1, 2007

week 4 post 8

Monday 10/01/07
first day of the week; first day of the month. must be lucky day as we all learned to do blog line. thought we only have to do 2. oh oh 10 is the magic number. some subscriptions haven't got time to go into to check; guess have to wait.thanks Naomi for your guidance.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

week 3 posts 3,4, 5

hey, i got it; but will change it later.

Monday, September 24, 2007

week 2 post 2

I'm not quite there yet. I've gone on line to search for general information on medical subjects or merchandise. Only a few months ago I was brave enough to register to do banking and paying utility's bills. I thought big companies would more likely protect their customers if something go wrong. Still I do not chat, do not post any personal information. Because of my fear, I'm a century away from www technology. But I'm very excited about flicker, and that will help overcome my fear.

week 2 post 1

I can work well with deadline. As a result I tend to be procrastinated.